Troop 2165's
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Meeting Notes
Sow What Journey

Girl Scout Troop 2165
(Mansfield, Texas)
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Meeting Notes

September 16 & 23, 2012
Event:  Cake Decorating

June 3, 2012

Events:  Pack Troop to Troop Cookies, Finalize Photography Badge, and Bridging
Meeting time:  3:00pm - 5:00pm for all groups/ages

Please wear your VEST/SASH since we will have a bridging ceremony.

  Girls should bring their "yearbook spread/page layout" design, 2 handwritten cards (for soldiers), and a snack to share with everyone (girl made).  This is part of the photography patch we've been working on.    For those who missed the meeting on May 6 we had a visitor from Timberview HS come over and explain how a yearbook is produced.  Each girl was to create a yearbook spread/page layout using the photos they took weeks before (when our professional photographer came and gave the girls tips).  If the girls do not have those photos, they can take new ones and use those.

May 20, 2012

 ** Special times **  We will have a visitor to help us earn our beautypatches.  I sent out the requirements on Sunday, 5/6 and they are listedbelow.  Ms. Jeanne Spare will be coming to go over taking care of ourskin.   Please notice I split the groups based on grade levels.
Grades 3-5  2:15pm - 3:15pm
Grades 6-10 3:30-4:30pm

Here's the Staying Fit (Juniors) and Eating for Beauty (cadettes) requirements:

  Step 1: do 30 min. of aerobic activity 3 x a week for 1 week.  keep a log
Step 2: Learn to read a food label with your parents/guardian.
Step 3: Create a stress free zone in your house.  Spend 15 minutes in your stress free zone 2 x a week for 2 weeks. Keep a log
Step 4: Talk to a health professional (I'm looking for a nurse to visit us) about top health tips for girls
Step 5: Have a Family Check - in!  have a family get together (like atthe dinner table, just a family meeting) and go over how your day went,what made you feel good.  End by eating a healthy treat or doing afamily activity (take a walk, play a game, watch a family show)

Step 1: Have a food log challenge.  Part I -- create a complete log ofevrything you eat for a week.  Part II -- get with a friend, share yourlist and determine if there are better food alternatives available.
Step 2: How does what you eat affect your skin?  How much water shoulda girl your age drink?  What are ways you 'remind' yourself to drinkplenty of water.
Step 3: Sugar Detective:  Go through your pantry with your mom/dad andfind how much sugar some of your favorite foods have.  Look for'hidden' sugar ingredients.
Step 4:  Investigate how what you eat affects your sleep.  take a 2week test.  For two weeks track the exact time of when you eat, what youeat, how much.  Try to go to bed at the same time.  How did what youeat affect your sleep habits.  Did you eat a lot of sugar before bed andcouldn't sleep? What about Caffeine and high sugar snacks?  
Step 5:Take a poll of friends and family.  Ask them 5 question aboutwhen they feel the most energetic and how it seems to relate to what andwhen they've eaten.  Ask yourself the same questions.  What conclusionsor advice can you draw?