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Boy Scout Troop 392
(Grove City, Ohio)
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What do I keep hearing about Scouting and Religion?

Per the 12th point of the Scout Law, "A Scout is Reverent".

Scouting's founder, Lord Baden Powell, believed that it was crucial to the development of the "whole person" that we have a belief in, and love for, God and that we should live by and embody His laws and teachings.

Scouting does NOT promote any 1 denomination above another and works with organized religions to offer awards (officially known as the Religious Emblem Program) to any boys choosing to farther explore their religious faith, from Catholic, to Muslim, to Judaism, to Budist.   Again, Scouting proves itself to be SUPPORTIVE of diversity and religious differences.

However, as a Private organization, it is the right of the BSA to set a code or ethics and morals for its members to follow.  Having a belief in God, is one of those criteria.

Those professing NO belief in God may find they would be better served in a different youth program than the BSA.

As we believe "being reverent" is such a critical part of Scouting, we openly pray during meals, at meetings, and during non-denominational "Scouts' Own" services which are held while we are away at camp.

Religious Emblems

A scout is Reverent. He is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties and respects the convictions of others in matters of custom and religion.

To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed the following religious emblems programs. The Boys Scouts of America has approved these programs and allows the emblems to be worn on the official uniform. the various religious groups administer the programs. Check at the Scout Shop on Mediterranean Avenue or with the religious organization for the appropriate booklets.

Materials with a Boy Scouts of America supply number are also available from the BSA National Distribution Center. Call toll free: 800-323-0732.

How do you get started? Well, you already have--you're reading this page!

What Scouts need to do now is obtain a copy of the specific booklet for their faith. Download the DutyToGod.pdf attachment below. It contains all the various religious organizations that have denominational booklets and where you can order them directly from the denominational headquarters. You can also order them online at

Then parents need to review the program guidelines. As a family, talk to your religious leader(s) and show them the booklet so they will know of your interest. This should occur before you begin the program. Most of the time that's pretty easy because your religious leader is usually your counselor. But not always. There may be someone else selected to perform this duty.

Complete the requirements, get the signatures needed and order your emblem.

It's that simple.

But it probably won't be that easy. There will be some challenge to it, especially for the older scouts. That's part of what makes this program worth the effort. You get a chance to explore your faith roots and determine for yourself what you believe and why you believe it.

You don't have to worry if you don't attend religious meetings regularly either. While intended to help strengthen the faith of young people who do attend regularly, you can certainly pursue the religious emblem as an investigation of what that faith is all about. You should know, however, that some of these programs do in fact require membership in the denomination/faith group to participate. How can you know? Just ask. Give 'em a call and they'll be happy to tell you.

You can also talk with your Troop Chaplain or Chaplain Aide for help.

National has a
Religious Emblem FAQ*, How To Get Started*, and Chart of Religious Emblems.

*Clicking these links will take you away from this website. Please report broken links using the "Contact Our Troop" link at the top of the page.