Pack 984's
Home Page

Cub Scout Pack 984
(Dardenne Prairie, Missouri)
ScoutLander Contact Our Pack Member Login
(Revised July 2011)


  1. Introduction
  2. Mission Statement
  3. Meetings and Activities
  4. Finance
  5. Advancements
  6. Uniforms
  7. Conduct
  8. Pack Committee
  9. By Law Approval and Review
  10. Cub Scout and Parent/Guardian Pledge Page
I.       Introduction
Pack 984 is a locally sponsored organization chartered by Dardenne Presbyterian Church and supports the goals and objectives of the Boy Scouts of America. It is designed to introduce boys in grades 1-5 to the fundamentals of Scouting and help them develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. It is open to any boy in the above age group regardless of race, creed, religion, national origin, or residence. Financial status is not a consideration in accepting a boy into the Pack.

II.      Mission Statement
The leaders of Cub Scout Pack 984 are committed to providing a quality, year-round program of Cub Scouting activities. We wish to work with our scouts and their families to achieve the 10 Purposes of Cub Scouting (see listed below). Thereby, we will achieve the overall aims of the BSA of character development, citizenship, and personal fitness.
  1. To influence the development of character.
  2. To encourage spiritual growth.
  3. To help boys develop habits and attitudes of good citizenship.
  4. To encourage good sportsmanship and pride in growing strong in mind and body.
  5. To improve understanding within the family.
  6. To strengthen the ability of boys to get along with other boys and respect other people.
  7. To foster a sense of personal achievement in boys by helping them develop new interests and skills.
  8. To show boys how to be helpful and to do ones best.
  9. To provide fun and exciting new things for boys to do.
  10. To prepare boys to become Boy Scouts.
III.    Meetings and Activities
The Cub Scouting program is delivered to the boys through a combination of regularly scheduled Den meetings, Pack meetings, and special activities throughout the year.

Pack meetings are generally held once a month from September through May at a date and time determined by the Pack Committee and other Pack leaders. The annual calendar will note the date, time and location of each Pack meeting. As each Den is participating in some capacity in the meeting, it is to the benefit of the entire Pack that each Cub Scout be in attendance and on time. Cub Scouts are expected to behave appropriately at all Cub Scout Functions. Dens sit together at Pack meeting with their parent/guardian sitting behind the Den. Ultimately, the Cub Scout and his parent/guardian are responsible for the Cub Scout's behavior.

Dens meet independently at least twice a month. Date and times of Den meetings are established by the Den leaders with input from the families in the Den. As each boy is an integral member of his Den, full attendance will provide the best results.

Additional Pack activities will be scheduled throughout the calendar year. Parents/guardians are expected to volunteer for at least one Pack Activity each year. Pack activities may include: Family Campouts; Scouting for Food; Blue and Gold Banquet; Fundraising; Pinewood Derby; Rain Gutter Regatta; Pack Picnic; Fishing Derby; and Hikes. Please note that this is in addition to help provided at the Den Level.
IV.     Finance
Dues: Our Annual dues for membership in Pack 984 will be set by the Pack Committee and announced each August. Dues may be changed by a majority vote of the Pack Committee. Pack dues are due in September. These funds are used primarily to purchase advancement materials and cover recharter costs. In addition to dues, Pack 984 participates in fundraising opportunities throughout the year.

Fund Raising: Fund raising is a vital part of Pack income and is the primary method to offset costs. Each Pack member and adult partner is expected to participate in fundraising efforts in order to "help the Pack go". Dues and fundraising participation/buyout must be current for Cub Scouts to be given their awards.

Scholarships: Pack 984 recognizes that worthy Cub Scouts may come from less financially fortunate families. The Committee will consider requests for assistance with dues and other fees in cases of hardship. Continued assistance will be reviewed annually by the Pack Committee and will be based upon financial need and standing in the Pack. For more information, please speak to a member of our Pack 984 leadership.
V.      Advancements
Advancement is a primary key to a successful Cub Scouting program. As the boys go through the requirements for their badges, they grow ever more capable and sure of themselves. Adult partners are expected to follow appropriate Cub Scout guidelines for verifying accomplishment of individual awards and achievements. These accomplishments should be reported to Den Leaders in a timely fashion to ensure accurate Pack accounting and proper recognition. Den Leaders, in turn are responsible for reporting awards to the Advancement Chair, upon each individual Cub Scout's completion. All awards should be presented to Cub Scouts at the next Pack meeting following the boy's completion of the award requirements provided the Scout's pack dues are paid.

Rank advancement (Bobcat, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow of Light badges) will be recognized through appropriate ceremonies at the monthly Pack meeting. Academic and sports belt loops and pins, Webelos activity pins, Wolf and Bear arrow points and other special awards will be presented to the Cub Scouts at the monthly Pack meetings. Advancement towards rank beads for Tigers, Wolves and Bears should be presented to Cub Scouts at the Den meeting when the bead is earned.

The Pack will pay for: all rank advancement beads, badges and pins; all belt loops earned for rank advancement; and all patches, belt loops, pins and awards earned at Pack related activities. Extra elective awards and patches earned within each Den will be paid for by the Den. Extra elective awards and patches earned outside the Pack and Den will be paid for by the Cub Scout's parent/guardian or family.
VI.      Uniform Guidelines
Pack 984 Official Uniform: An essential component of Cub Scouting in the uniform. Cub Scouts are made to feel part of a group and have a place to display their awards when they wear their uniforms. The minimum uniform in Pack 984 consists of a blue uniform shirt (Webelos may wear tan shirts with blue shoulder tabs) with all patches (council, pack number, den number, World Scouting Insignia, and rank), a neckerchief and slide*, neat pants, socks and closed toes shoes. Hats, belts, and vests are optional parts of the Pack 984 uniform.

* Instead of the standard issue neckerchief slide, it is acceptable for a Cub Scout to wear a slide he has made himself. This is encouraged, particularly when it reflects the monthly theme.

Pack 984 Activity Uniform: When an event is designated to be "casual" by the Pack Leadership, all Cub Scouts should wear the Pack established T-shirt or the official T-shirt of the function. The activity uniform is normally worn between the last day of school in June and the first day of school. Having all of the boys dressed in the same T-shirt shows that we are a group and helps to build camaraderie and team spirit. Having the boys dressed alike also makes it easier to keep the boys together when we are at an event with other people. If a Cub Scout does not have a clean Pack T-shirt or the official function T-shirt then he should wear any other official Cub Scout T-shirt (such as those from summer camp or other District and Council functions). Cub Scouts must wear closed toe shoes at all Pack and Den activities unless otherwise approved by the Pack Committee.

Please note: The appropriate hat is an optional addition to any uniform and, if worn, must be in accordance with Cub Scout guidelines. Cub Scouts should remove head covering upon entering a building, in a religious service, and whenever so instructed by Pack Leadership. All uniform components are to be worn according to the Cub Scout guidelines.

Adult Uniforms: Leaders should, and members of the Pack Committee are encouraged to wear the appropriate leader uniform.
VII.      Conduct
We exist as an organization to teach boys leadership, citizenship and outdoor skills. In an effort to provide a safe haven as every member of the Boy Scouts of America expects, the Pack must have rules and regulations concerning inappropriate behavior and how to deal with it, should it occur. A Cub Scout should always be guided by the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack, and also by the best ideals held forth by the Scouting tradition.
  1. All members of Pack 984 will abide by these additional guidelines:
    1. No stealing, lying, or vandalism.
    2. No inappropriate or unnecessary physical contact or fighting.
    3. No foul or abusive language.
    4. No verbal abuse or bullying of any Cub Scout or adult leader, or guest.
    5. No possession of obscene material.
    6. No insubordination of an adult leader.
    7. No violation of Youth Protection Guidelines. It is imperative that the Cub Scout policy of two-deep leadership be complied with at all times. If there are not two adults (at least one of whom holds a current Youth Protection Certificate) there will not be a meeting by the Den. Any violation of this rule will result in the reorganization of that Den's leadership minus the adult who officiated during the breach.

      Parent/guardian, please note that it is against Scouting Youth Protection Policy for children to be unsupervised. If they are supposed to be attending a meeting, they should be in it. Should the child not comply with attending the meeting, he should be taken home. Pack 984 cannot be held responsible for the supervision of children who are not where they are supposed to be. It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to bring the Cub Scout to the meeting, not simply depositing him on the grounds of the Pack meeting. Parents/guardians should escort their Cub Scout or appoint another responsible person to do so. Cub Scouts should stay in the immediate location of where the meeting is being held and not be roaming around other parts of the building. These rules apply not only to Cub Scouts, but to siblings as well.
    8. The use of illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is strictly prohibited at ALL Scouting events. The rule applies to Cub Scouts, leaders, family members, and guests.
    9. The property of others will be respected. Any willful damage to property will require full restitution before resumption of privileges.
  2. A Cub Scout may be asked to sit out of an activity if he displays inappropriate behavior. Recourse in event of behavior subject to discipline:
    1st Offense: Verbal acknowledgement of the action by the leader and the Cub Scout.
    2nd Offense: Verbal and written acknowledgement of the action. Cub Scout, his parent/guardian, and the Cubmaster are to sign a written acknowledgement. If this action is disrupting a meeting, however, the Den leader is fully empowered to ask the parent/guardian to remove the boy for the duration of said meeting.
    3rd Offense: Suspension from Pack and Den activities for a time to be determined by at least 3 members of the Pack's adult leadership and based upon severity of infraction and impact on other boys. Cub Scout, parent/guardian, and Cubmaster shall sign a written acknowledgement of the same.
    4th Offense: Referral to Pack Committee for course of corrective action or possible dismissal from Pack 984.
  3. Please note that a Cub Scout may be suspended immediately during any activity by the Cubmaster or Den Leader for the following acts:
    1. Overt action resulting in injury or attempting to cause injury to another.
    2. Intentional commission of an act endangering the safety of others.
    3. Use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
  4. Any illegal activities may result in notification ofthe proper law enforcement agency.
  5. The Cub Scout and his parent/guardian may appeal any disciplinary decision by requesting a review from a panel of three Pack Committee members. None of these members shall have been involved in the investigation ofthe matter and none may be related to the Cub Scout in question. This panel will hear both sides and render a [mal decision. If there are not three Pack Committee members left uninvolved in the investigation, the matter may be appealed to a higher level.
  6. All adult leaders are expected to follow the guidelines described above.
VIII.      Pack Committee
The Pack Committee serves as a board of directors, coordinating and supporting the program, resolving disputes and monitoring progress. It consists of the following members:

Committee Chair* Cubmaster* / Assistant(s)
Treasurer* Secretary*
Pack Trainer Advancement Chair
Den Leaders / Assistant(s) Communications Chair
Fundraising Chair Community Service Chair
Various Events Chairs (Camping, Pinewood Derby, Blue and Gold, etc.)

* Positions designated with an asterisk are required.

Members may hold more than one position, but the Committee should not consist of less than four members. Any interested parent/guardian or family member of a Pack 984 Cub Scout can be a member of the Pack Committee.

Pack Committee meetings are stated in the Pack calendar and are open to any adult with interest in the Pack. Den Leaders are not required to attend, but are certainly encouraged to do so. Opinions and concerns are welcome from all members of the Pack. A minimum of 3 members of the Pack Committee must be present for an official meeting. Any interested adult may propose an agenda item by contacting the Committee Chair or Secretary 10 day prior to the stated Committee meeting.
IX.      By Laws Approval And Review
These By Laws must be approved by the Pack Committee. Changes may be made at any time with a majority vote by the Pack Committee.
X.      Cub Scout And Parent/Guardian Pledge Page
For Pack 984 to effectively achieve its mission, all Scouts and their parent/guardian must agree to abide by the Pack 984 By Laws and sign the following pledge page. After signing, detach the lower portion and return it to the appropriate Pack leader. Scouts not completing this form by the time of unit rechartering will not be allowed to continue with the Pack and will not be included on the unit roster when it recharters.