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Boy Scout Troop 78
(Huntington, New York)
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Code of Conduct

Troop 78 Code of Conduct (Updated as of April 2019)

I______________________________________________________ AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING:


I will behave in accordance with the Scout Law, Scout Oath, and Outdoor Code. I will not tolerate the

actions of other Scouts who openly disregard the principles set forth. I will bring to the attention of the

Troop's youth leaders or the adult leaders those who do not adhere to the following principles:

1. I understand that violations or failures to follow safety procedures or instructions may result in

disciplinary actions, loss of Scouting privileges, and even possible expulsion from the Troop.

2. I understand that the Troop's adult and youth leaders are responsible for the safety and security of each

member of the Troop. I will follow their guidance and direction.

3. I will be respectful during meetings, activities, and outings.

4. I will cooperate with requests of adult and youth leaders for silence and attention, and I will obey the

Scout Sign at all times.

5. I will treat all equipment responsibly and report any loss or breakage to adult leadership.

6. I will use the "buddy system" at all times to provide support and safety.

7. I will not leave an activity or designated area without an adult leader's permission to do so. Likewise,

I will not go to areas other than those for which permission has been granted.

8. I will not use or possess illegal or prohibited items (including, but not limited to, illegal drugs, alcohol,

or tobacco products, etc.)

9.  I understand that cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted at activities, meetings,

and outings. Failure to comply will result in the device being confiscated for the remainder of the activity,

meeting, or outing.

10. I understand that Scouting is a safe haven. I will not tolerate hazing, bullying, put-downs, or any

aggressive or disrespectful behavior. I will communicate with and show acceptance of all members of the

Troop, including leaders. I also understand that

retaliation, of any kind, for reporting an offense by any Scout or leader, will not be tolerated.

11. I will inform adult leadership of any current medical condition or issue (including, but not limited to,

medication, EpiPens, inhalers, allergies, illnesses, etc.

12. I will permit adult and youth leadership to inspect all personal gear brought to an activity, meeting, or outing.

13. I understand the commitment I have made to the Troop and I will reply in a timely manner to all

communications requiring

my response. I will do my best to honor my commitments and stay true to my word, especially when

planning events, activities,and meetings.

14. As a Parent/Guardian I will make immediate arrangements to pick up my son from an activity,

meeting, or outing if requested to do so for any reason by adult leadership.

My son and I have read and agreed to the Troop 78 Code of Conduct

Scout’s Signature_____________________________________ Date_______________



Parent’s Signature____________________________________ Date_______________

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Troop 78 Code of Conduct (v. 2019).pdf